keynote speaker - mental health and wellbeing

I’d like to share a yarn, that spreads some positive ripples through your team.

With a lifetime of taking people out on the ocean in search of big fish, there will be some epic tales - the ones that go away, the ones that didn’t.

But there is a more serious side to the story, I’d like to connect with you on.

Mental health - once barely talked about, has become almost centre stage, one of the most talked about issues, in recent years.

But are we talking about the right things?

Do we really have a good grasp of what good mental health entails?

What is the elephant in the room?

I’ve spent the last five years, working with men from all walks of life who need help dealing with stress, burnout and mental fatigue.  I take men into the wilderness, on retreat, away from distractions, to help them rebalance their mental, physical and spiritual health. This is my small offering, to address the much talked about global men’s mental health crisis. 

I’ll leave the tale of how I came to do that for a living, for my talk.

My offering comes from a place of lived experience - burnout in business, poor sleep, overthinking, mental distress, grief, loss and learning how to deal with all of it.

Resilience is the main theme I’d like to explore, when connecting with your tribe.

Because resilience is cultivated, over time and through experience, reflection and occasionally, throwing yourself into the unknown.

Cultivating resilience in your team, will unlock results beyond your wildest imagination.

These days we spend too much time, in our heads, and in front of screens, instead of listening to our inner wisdom, to our heart, and the wisdom all around us in nature.

Often, depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions are an awakening to this inner wisdom, a call to come back home, and the fact there is a lot more to life, than we ever dreamed about. 

Resilience starts deep down in each and every one of us, and our realisation of just how powerful we are, what we have been through, what our ancestors have been through and what we can still get through and flourish.

Learning to rest, reflect, reframe, refuel (properly!) at the right time is more important than todays motto of just pushing on through.

I will talk passionately about how our own health and the heatlh of the planet is all intertwined and connected, and how, through using our intuition and gifts in the right way, we can all do our bit to help each other heal.

Some themes we can explore:


-The elephant in the room - alcohol!


-The new Regeneration economy

-Reframing, Adaptability and Pivoting 

-Nutrition - at home and in the workplace

-Using your gifts in business

-How we are designed as humans and how to unlock our potential

-Raising healthy balanced kids while still doing well in business

-Economic development in small coastal communities

-Mental health - what is it? Real talk.

-Regeneration - our our bodies, minds, and of the earth and ocean

-The Pillars of Wellbeing

-Doing business with a reverence to the natural world

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