Swords and Bluenose with two awesome clients!

Today was officially my last day chartering for a couple of years, and I couldn't think of a better way to mark that than to go an adventure with two long standing and very fishy clients.

Both Sam and Tony had been wanting to go and have a crack at the Mayor Bluenose and also have a prospect for a swordfish.

I had a bit of a reccie the day before solo, losing a marlin on the way down but other than that things were uneventful on the swordfish front. How things can change in a day!

We headed wide for Bluenose first and it didn't take long before both Sam and Tony had new PB Bluenose and some nice ones for the pantry! Decky Cam got his first ever bluenose as well.

Fresh maccie cut baits seemed to work the best.

With enough bluenose to feed the troops for a while we headed to a trench which is known to hold some swords, and it seems we hit a bit of a patch of them.

The rig was a 5m sword trace, with 14/0 open gape hook, with three strobe lights, and a breakaway of bricks tied off the hook. Too easy. I'd stitched up a fresh skippy belly from the day before for bait. Didn't take long before there was a tick tick tick of the reel, we threw her in gear, Sam wound and wound and then everything came up tight. She pulled a bit of line, then bolted for the surface with Sam winding hard and next minute a bill came up out of the water and a big eye looked at us - Its a sword!!!

A bit of a battle and a small fat sword was beside the boat going ape! Sam had his first swordie!

We popped another bait down and this time it was Tony on strike and it didn't take long before there was another tick tick tick...this one fought a whole lot harder and was a big fish...Tony did some hard yards on it, these things just don't give up and it plugged away for 1 1/2 hours. Cam got a shot at the leader and all held together and BOOM we had another sword, this one going 128kg!