May 2009 - Sydney boys, Inchiku Hapuka, Cyclops Snapper and jigging Kingfish

Thanks to everyone who came and said gidday on the stand I had at the boat show. Its always good to pick up a few new ideas there. Picked up a few bits of new bling at the Boat Show recently. Inchiku jigs from Action Tackle, kidding you not, first drop on some low foul out at the Aldies and it nailed a 35kg puka!! And thanks Paul Senior for hooking me up with some of the new Cyclops - seriously good deep water lump jig heads, and again, first drop and a 20lb snapper!! BOOM!

Alway love spending a week fishing with some like minded guys and just spent a week chewing the fat with some Sydney boys, Paul, Ian and the crew thanks for an awesome week out of Tairua, was good to hear how you do it in Oz, and you guys ended up with some quality fish!

There is plenty of baitfish and kingfish with them in around Pauanui point, and when the clouds of mackerel come in on the coast - that is a great time to go chase some kingfish! Slow trolling or popper fishing for them in close has been very effective.