Top Water Kingi! Spring is here

A quick report from a trip I did yesterday! The conditions we beautiful when I got up and looked at the ocean, too good not to put the boat in for a fish.

I packed mainly for bottom fishing for the table, snapper and red snapper, and once out was doing reasonably well on them.

Was busy catching table fish and I kept hearing a big slapping noise. “What was that?” I thought in the back of my head it sounds a lot like a kingfish surface feeding.

All of a sudden the three schools of surface fish around me came together as one tight bunch and I saw a huge fish bust through them! with a huge slap. I was in two minds whether it was a thresher shark or kingi. A couple of casts later and I was hooked up to a kingfish that was way tougher than me on the day and he stole my favourite stickbait.

Not to be beaten. I tied on my only other option, a minnow swimmer, as soon as it hit the water in the middle of the school it got inhaled. and I won this battle after a long scrap. Just love this prototype reel in testing for OKUMA New Zealand loads of throaty drag and line capacity. Fizzing! It feels like spring has sprung!

It definitely got me fizzing for an awesome spring ahead.