Wheel of Life - Free Download

There’s an old saying — you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

Well, I thought it was time to do just that.

I’ve used the traditional wellbeing wheel as a tool in my coaching and as a workshop in my retreats for the last four years. You may have completed an excercise like this, as part of your personal development, in the past.

The Wellbeing Wheel is powerful tool to check in on the balance in your life, and zero in on the things you can do to bring positive change in to your life. We might have one aspect of our life completely wired - for example, all the money in the world, but without doing the things that bring us joy, our our mental or physical health - what use is all that money?

I’ve given the Wellbeing Wheel a bit of a tweak - to make it more aligned to the language we use on our retreats - and to split out various aspects of health and wellbeing, I think it is useful to zero in on. Things like rest, which are so important in todays busy world.

Take it for a spin - let me know what you think.

It something comes up for you, that you would like to work on, either 1 on 1, or in a group or retreat environment, get in touch!

Mauri Ora!


If you would like to talk about any aspect of the Wellbeing Wheel, or something that might be out of balance in your life, drop me a line here, together with a snapshot of where you are at: