Advanced Men’s Retreat

“Ka mua, ka muri” - Step backwards into the future

This retreat is for men who have already done some work to rediscover their sense of self.

Some men may have done this mahi (work) on our Mens Wellbeing Retreat

Some men may have done this mahi elsewhere, possibly in another country. Welcome to our tribe.

This retreat is for men who are thirsty for more.

This retreat is for men who are on the quest of mastery, of the mind, body and soul.

This retreat will deepen, extend, and elevate that mahi.

We will go further into nature. 

We will go deeper into our being.

We will deepen our connection with ancestry, ritual and tradition.

We will elevate the wairua of the collective.

Whereas our entry level Men’s Wellbeing Retreat is accessible to any man, from any walk of life, whatever struggle they are going through, our Advanced Retreat will require a certain level of physical fitness, confidence in the water, some mental fortitude and openness to the exploration of wairua (spirit). If you are not quite there with fitness, we can do this work, in a coached and guided space leading into the retreat.

On our first retreat, there is always great feedback about the kai (food). If you loved the kai on the first retreat, it is my promise, there will be some elevation involved in what is delivered on Retreat 2.0, and you’ll love this menu even more. The garden will be at its prime, the ocean abundant. Seasonal kai is at its best. There is a catch. There will also be some periods of going without, there will be some guided fasting on this retreat. It will be worth it!

This retreat is one day, and one night longer, than our entry level retreat, because this advanced retreat is more of an adventure into nature and our being.

This retreat is timed in the prime time of NZ summer, when the water is warmest and bluest. The seasoned fishermen in the group will realise what may be in store.

It is an adventure and exploration, not to be missed!

Arrive: 10am Monday 24 February, 2025

Depart: 1.30pm Friday 28 February, 2025

Price:  on application

APPLY to attend our advanced men’s retreat HERE: