Men in nature Workshops

Our mission at Provider has always been to reconnect men and their families back to nature.

By spending time grounded and immersed in nature , learning from it and realising where our food and true wellbeing comes from , we learn to stand in our true power again.

We do this through a range of experiences like fishing and diving adventures, and our 4 day men’s wellbeing retreats , as well as trying to impart some useful information through our podcasts, recipes and articles.

For the last 18 months we have looked on in disbelief as men and women of this land have had their freedom and civil rights taken away. We would like to start to do something small to contribute to these families, especially those that want to add to their resilience skillset.

Over the next few months we will be running 1 day workshops, on a koha/donation basis, covering some of the material of our 4 day retreat, specifically for those men who have lost their jobs as a result of losing their business or career. These workshops will be based on land and the material will include:

-Tips to catch your own fish for protein, tailored to where you live, your skillset and your access to the water

-Growing your own food and natural preventative medicine

-Cooking in more healthy and affordable ways for you and your family

-Talking about how to stay grounded and mentally well in these extraordinary times

-Talking about how to collaborate and create a symbiotic community with others in a similar situation to you

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, let us know a bit about yourself: