This offering is intended for Men who want to find ways to quiet the mind, and find some peace in their day.

A common theme verbalised by Men reaching out about our Men’s Wellbeing Retreats, is their head is too busy. This busyness in the head is tiring them out, and interupting with their sleep.

On our retreats, we find ways to get back into the body. To quiet the mind. Diving, walking, connecting with nature, and being in the present with new surroundings and new people are all great ways to come back into the body. We also focus in on the breath and meditation.

Not everyone can travel to one of our retreats, so we’re offering our Restorative Meditation and Breath workshop for men, over Zoom, on demand.

This will be led 1:1 with Carl.

We can also offer this to groups, on demand.

If you have a mixed group, eg male and female, we can tailor and will bring Flow with Tia into the mix to co-facilitate the workshop.

On this workshop, through practice and coaching, you will learn:

-What is meditation? We will demystify the word ‘meditation’ for you, Meditation is a tool all men should have access to.

-The important role of the breath in meditating

-How to easily incorporate meditation in to your daily routine

-How to use meditation to manage triggers towards emotion, reaction, stress and habits you want to break

This will all be done, in a way that is relatable for the common man.

We’ll be tying this back to what we do in person, with colours, visuals and sounds from our backyard integrated into the online experience.

Register for our ‘restorative meditation and breath for men’ workshop here: