Kingfish Jigging, Bluenose Dropping & some black gold!!

What'd ya know…another Friday weather window popped up last week. Perfect timing, with kids sport dominating weekend proceedings through winter its nice when these windows pop up mid week :-)


Got PROVIDER all ready for another hearty mission, and me and Paul were off at the crack of dawn.


The plan was to cover a few miles to get to some Bluenose, and we wanted a quick scrap with some kings first so at sun up we were marking some nice king and bait sign on the Furuno at about 50m


I'd just finished saying to Paul, I reckon if we hook up here it will be a solid fish, its a part of the wall where some big winter kingfish usually hold, sure enough first drop with a White Alien jig, my Smiths AMJ52 came up solid and boom, the Stella started screaming on a real solid king 


Nice way to start the day!! This guy got kept for tucker to feed the family

Next drop Paul was in, this time on Pink Alien, Paul let this nice king go to fight another day


We were in need of some fresh bait, so we moved to another rock that holds some smaller fish and got a smaller king, half went in the esky for sashimi and the other half was destined for primo bluenose bait

We had some miles to make up so we put the hammer down and headed towards the mighty MAYOR

The Furuno that came with PROVIDER when I bought her second hand is getting on now - its an FCV600L and with only a 600 watt transducer - so I was pretty stoked to have it marking bluenose in 400m with a very clear read on the bottom (still can't wait to put a TZ Touch 2 on board soon though!)



Got into em thick and fast - Paul got his first blue dog - he was happy as




Another hearty Bluedog



Good times, lots of winding and good fun putting some kai on the table




Big hearty mission filleting and getting the wings ready for the smoker after Saturday sport. Then Brett the Butcher calls me up to see if I'm up for a paua dive on Sunday - hell yeah!


Mosied up the coast and braved the cold for some serious goodness - feasting on paua and bluenose this week, doesn't get much better!


Good times on the OCEAN HUNTER warming up!! Great way to finish up three days on hunter gathering and processing some of the oceans goodness