Lighting up the RH620

It has been nearly a year since I had Provider shipped up from Christchurch, and she has proven to be exactly the weapon I'm after. Small enough to duck out my myself, very economical - and yet she is safe enough and stable enough to go wide in search of marlin, swords, puka and bluenose and provides the peace of mind for safe family fishing - the perfect trailer boat. 

I've been content enough to fish it as it came, but now it is time to start pimping her out DIY style into the ultimate fishing machine!

First things first - lights!

When it comes to lighting, three things stand out as pretty important

1. Lumens output - bright is better!

2. Power consumption - LED's all the way, especially on a trailer boat when you want to run your lights with the motor off

3. Are they going to last?

On all three counts Lumitec win hands down, and being a US company you've got some assurance when it comes to quality and backup.

Good cabin and deck lighting is a must if you're planning on early morning starts, or dusky finishes and for the last year that has been a bit lacking.  When it comes to deck lights you can't go past the Lumitec Caprera floodlight. When you are baiting up sabikis first thing in the morning, or sewing up sword baits at night you want the sharpest light possible and the Caprera lights have the highest output by a country mile. I've put the Lumitec Aurora Dome light in the cabin

Underwater lights are a great tool when it comes to catching bait in the dark, getting baitfish around the boat, and don't underestimate their effectiveness in raising marlin either!

Lumitec come out tops when it comes to Lumens output - and Lumens output per$. I've gone with the Lumitec Seablaze Minis, a good compact light that packs a mean punch

I decided to mount these in a straight down position, mounted at 90% 


Pretty stoked with the result
