Solid Winter Fishing - Big Tairua and Gt Mercury Island Kingfish - Aug/Sept 2010

Man, there has been some solid kingfish turning up lately! Several have pushed over the 30kg mark, and generally these have been popped back in the water with a tag in their back.

The Balls Deep crew nailed some nice fish with everyone releasing a fish over 20kg, some nice snapper and even hapuka have been caught for the table on soft baits, and Mick returned to the pins and got out done by his mate who got two massive 30kg fish.

The kingfish are all in sold pre spawn condition, with either big roe, or milt, so this time of year especially it is good for the stocks to let these big fish, the breeders go.

The MILF boys also had a solid session with some really large kingfish and several broken rods at the Aldermen Pins, and then getting the numbers up with 30-50 kingfish in a jigging session up at Crackerjack

Busy busy!!