Big kingi from the wharf for Oscar!

We've been lucky to have a great supply of bait at the Tairua wharf for the last few months, which has meant we can load up on livies before heading out of the harbour. My son Oscar is down there checking on the bait and looking for kingis on the way to school!

He spotted some kingis at the wharf at low tide yesterday on his way to school and wanted to go give them a crack this morning.

We took some gear down to the wharf, he caught a livie straight away, put it out and it didn’t take long before a pack of kingis chased it in front of his nose and he was hooked up to a freight train. Awesome work landing this from around the piles mate!!!


We’ll be eating well tonight, and Oscar already has planned for who he is going to be sharing his fish out to. Nice work Oscar - Provider to the max!