January Fishing Charter Goodness - Awesome Hapuku Kingfish and Bass

January got off to a great start with an epic trip with Josh and Aaron, the Two Fat Cats from MKR convincing me to start my January calendar a day early, you can read a report about that trip here

I had another Belter back in the same sport at Cuvier the next day with David and his boys, we smashed the Trifecta! Hapuku, kingfish and snapper at the mighty Cuvier! The boys to a whole heap of good tucker back to their whanau who ate well for some time!


Next up Fuzz and the boys from We Fish were back, once again I teamed up with Tom at MadMax so we could get the group of 10 boys out. We got the tail end of the previous two days bite at Cuvier on the first day, then followed it down to the SBlock. We had a good mix of jigging and livebaiting. Fuzz as usual brought over a great bunch of keen Aussie fishos and we had a blast and a lot of laughs, finishing up on the last day at Sheep Bay at Great Mercury doing some bombs off the boat, having a swim and some fun. Great 3 days with the boys!


Next up was another two boat trip with Tom, this time with Dave the RobboFish, whohas been to NZ every year for the last eight or so years, originally fishing with us in my last business. Good to see the boys again! We had some really good fishing at the SBlock and then when wider one of the days for some deep drops of bass, hapuku and bluenose! The boys were well feed and went home with plenty of smoked fish and vac packed bass and puka.
