Winter 2008 Fishing Report - 30kg Kingfish and Hapuka on the Chew out of Tairua

The last few months of 'off the chart' fishing has shown just how good the Aldermen Pins are! You've still got to drive around and find and mark the fish on the sounder, but when you do find them they are chewing hard on the jigs! Winter has been its gnarly self but luckily I've been able to mainly fish the weather windows with other work on land in between.

Kerren Packer led a motley crew of fishing dot net folk out and smashed the fish of the day, easily 30kg and put the brute back in the water to fight another day - on ya bro!

Waaayyyy too many pics here's some of the better ones, it has been good to string together some awesome fishing together over June July and August