A special trip for Gav & two special young men

Yesterday was a pretty special day.

Gav organised the trip for two young fellas Kobe (14) and Cash (11). These two legends are the sons of Gav’s late friend, James, who I have a feeling was right beside them on deck bringing them some good luck. The seas weren’t exactly calm, there was a good two metre swell rolling in from the sou east once we got out the back of the Aldies, it didn’t stop these two young fellas going hard, jigging some nice kingfish, and hooking some good sized trevs and snapper. Gav was there at the boys side coaching them and regaling stories of his fishing trips with their Dad. It was just a bloody pleasure seeing the smiles on these kids faces, hearing the banter and seeing Gav continue the tradition of showing these boys where food comes from. Nature. It’s no coincidence Gav got hooked up on a freight train, that gave him a bloody good working over, and me a good surprise when it appeared from the big blue, and, while we still had a bit of hunting to go for the table, Gav made the right choice in honouring this beautiful est:30kg fish by releasing it.

We can all be mentors and Providers in peoples life. Gav you’ve set the bar cuz on how to do it. Chur.