Wheel of Life - Free Download

The ‘Wellbeing Wheel’ or ‘Wheel of Life’, is powerful tool to check in on the balance in your life, and zero in on the things you can do to bring positive change in to your life.

We might have one aspect of our life completely wired - for example, all the money in the world, but still struggle with our mental health - without doing the things that bring us joy, and/or having love in our life - what use is all that money?

As soon as our mind or body start to pack in - we only wish for one thing - that is to be healthy again.

If we feel stuck or yuk - is it really our mental health - or is it something like purpose, place or growth - that we can instantly do something about?

If we feel like we have no energy - where do we feel that block - is it in our body?

I’ve given the Wellbeing Wheel a bit of a tweak - to make it more aligned to the language we use on our retreats - and to split out various aspects of health and wellbeing, like kai, mind, body, I think it is useful to zero in on. Things like rest, which are so important in todays busy world.

Take it for a spin - let me know what you think.

Most importantly, don’t overthink things, give each segment a score within seconds, intuitively, what is the first number that pops in your head.

Once completed, have a think about where you might want to focus going foward.

We can use our high ranking elements for the benefit of the low ranking elements eg, put some money towards something which gives us growth, like a course, or eating better which influences our mental health within hours.


It something comes up for you, that you would like to work on, either 1 on 1, or in a group or retreat environment, get in touch!

Mauri Ora!


If you would like to talk about any aspect of the Wellbeing Wheel, or something that might be out of balance in your life, drop me a line here, together with a snapshot of where you are at: