Let the Aldermen Adventures roll !

We’ve been reasonably privileged to have a largely normal life over 2021 on the Coromandel.

Our thoughts are constantly with our friends we’ve been missing from all around the world though, and especially our mates from Auckland and Hamilton who have been stuck in govt imposed lockdowns. She’s been a bit slow without them!

So we were stoked over the last month, first of all to host the Strayline Aotearoa team from Hamilton as their border got lifted, and then good client Iain MacIntyre and his family when the Auckland border got lifted. The kingfish played ball, and the crews certainly appreciated some quality time back out in nature, collecting kaimoana and immersing ourselves in nature. The Aldermen Islands have been there for 8 million years, they aren’t going anywhere and it was worth the wait!

Carl MuirComment