Men's Wellbeing Retreat March 2021

I’ve been away from mobile, computer & social media this week, diving deep with 3 good men - Wayne, Carey & Aaron on our 4th Men’s Wellbeing Retreat.

As they depart Tairua I thought I’d reflect on what it means to be a ‘Good Man’. It’s something we talked about in depth this week, in between fishing, snorkelling, yoga, breath work, relaxation, eating farking good food, walking, swimming, reflecting and journaling.

At the heart of being a good man is being honest and authentic, not just to others, but also to yourself. Being a good man means being loving & brotherly. Being a good man means being a Provider and recognising our creator will always provide for us too. But most importantly being a good man means looking after your own mind, body and spirit. None of us are perfect and getting this balance right is part of being human.

Most importantly being a good man means being adventurous, finding your joy and having fun. Thanks to these good men for an adventurous, fun and very authentic week. Love you Brothers xo