Recipe: Sesame Kingfish with Salsa Verde

Kingfish is such a versatile and under rated fish to eat. I either like it raw as sashimi, or if I can cooking it, like searing it and packing it with heaps of flavour. This is a great way to cook kingfish that is packed with flavour.

I take medallions of the kingfish fillet. Usually off the shoulder or belly. I then coat in sesame seeds, ready to flash fry in a hot pan with oil and a touch of butter at the end.

I top the fish with a salsa verde, there are heaps of recipes for this out there, but basically ingredients to whiz up are:

-Fresh herbs: Basil, mint and parsley

-Capers and gerkhins

-Ren onion


-Lemon and lime juice

-Olive oil

-A little touch of smoked kingfish if you have some

-Apple cider vinegar
