Tia's First Marlin !

Last Friday night Tia and I headed out, with a plan to go and catch her first marlin the next day, it all came together, here is her version of an epic 24 hours on the water! And some of the goodness that followed!

Carl & I headed out Fri night, for an overnight to the Aldermen Is, post a fishing charter. We saw the sun go down from our anchorage, had a great sleep with the sea lapping against the boat, then got up early Sat morning & trolled out to the middle ground.

That morning, once the lures were out and Carl gave me a run down and how things work (and went for a nap!) I saw a whale & the largest pod of dolphins, I have ever seen. I took both sightings as good signs. Within mins of the dolphin pod moving through, the ratchet went & it was all on. I guess when there is two people on board, you just get s**t done. Instinct kicked in + Carl yelling instructions (nicely😂), I just did exactly what he told me to. Wind, wind, wind... It took me just under an hr to pull in. Carl is an incredible skipper & I have a huge amount of respect for him, so, we made a very good team out on the water.


We chose not to smoke the whole marlin & kept a lot of fresh marlin to eat & share with friends & family.

Without a doubt, marlin sashimi is next level... We made marlin kebabs last night, also, off the hook !! A girlfriend, Loni, made lightly seared marlin tostados with a pineapple salsa....stoppp it ! Looking forward to tasting smoked marlin later in the week. I just want to thank all the well wishers too. Cheers Tia xo
